Stop Over-Thinking. Start Living Again.
If you’re feeling anxious much of the time, and spending hours a day worrying about your job, or your relationships, or how you look, or about every little thing – don’t worry – we can get you through it together.
Phone: 310-850-4707
Interrupt the Cycle
One way of getting past anxious feelings is to learn how to interrupt the cycle of worry – and change to more productive thoughts and activities.
While the feelings you’re experiencing are hard to ignore, with the right tools you can control them. You can learn to “let go” of those thoughts.
First Session – What to Expect
Together, at your first session, we’ll discuss the tools, the strategies and solutions that will get you unstuck. We’ll get started right away. Our goals will be:
- Help you regain control over your feelings.
- Support you to feel more comfortable with every-day activities.
- Assist you to feel good about being around other people.

Get Your Life Back
You deserve to have the life you dreamed about match up with the life you’re living. And sooner rather than later. We won’t talk and talk about your problems; we’ll start out talking about solutions.
We’ll make sure you get the tools and the strategies that will help you stop the worry. Stop the feelings that overwhelm you today.We’ll get you back to your old self. You’ll have my full compassionate support in getting your life back.
You will feel better – and empowered. You can take back control of your life.
Call for your free 20 minunte phone consult

About David
I’ve been interested in practicing psychotherapy since I was about ten years old. I was in family therapy for years because my brother was diagnosed with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. He was wrapped up in rituals, like washing his hands over and over. I didn’t think he’d ever be able to change.
Then he did. He got better. It didn’t happen overnight, but his life changed profoundly. I watched therapy create a miraculous recovery. A therapist managed to give my brother his life back. It was pretty inspiring.